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What a Week: April 23-30

  1. L.A. County sheriff says new decontamination center will allow N95 masks to be reused 20 times

    • As the nationwide shortage of protective gear and counterfeit masks on the market continue to rise, an initiative to decontaminate N95 masks has been announced. The cleaning chamber will open next week at the Sybil Brand Institute in Monterey Park.

  2. New Information Emerges Around Biden Sexual Assault Allegation

    • In recent days, new information has emerged regarding a sexual assault allegation against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden. With pressure mounting on Biden to address the allegations, Democrats are in the precarious situation of figuring out how to properly handling the issue amidst the #MeToo movement.

  3. USDA let millions of pounds of food rot while food-bank demand soare

    • ​​American produce “is rotting in fields as food banks across the country scramble to meet a massive surge in demand.” This has led to farmers losing billions of dollars in revenue and newly jobless Americans struggling to provide food for their families.

  4. Wuhan Shows the World That the End of Lockdown Is Just the Beginning of the COVID-19 Crisis 

    • Despite Wuhan ending their 76-day lockdown on April 8, they are showing the rest of the world that “normal [life] may be a long way off.”

  5. China Says It Has No Interest in Meddling in U.S. Election

    • “China has no interest in interfering in the U.S. presidential election, it said on Thursday (4/30), after [the] U.S. President said he believed Beijing would try to make him lose his re-election bid in November.”

What a Week: April 23-30: ScheduleItem
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